Monday, 24 February 2014

Gamer Monday: Nindento Cross Stitch

This week I'm combining my Gamer Monday post with the Gadabout Gamers feature by Gamerwife. This month's topic was NEStalgia, featuring the NES. When I was very small, my (much) older brothers had a NES (or possibly a SNES), but it was gone from the house by the time I was old enough to really want to play. Although I have some very fond memories of playing Duck Hunter!

For my post, I decided to combine gaming with one of my many other hobbies: cross stitch! So here it is! My NES controller cross stitch!

I haven't completetly decided what it's final purpose will be (the hardest part of cross stitch), but I think I'll turn it into a bookmark! For use in yet another of my hobbies!

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