Friday, 13 November 2015

Fall Update!

Oops, kind of disappeared there for a couple months. I blame it on pre-con craziness, followed by post-con laziness. I haven't even started another cosplay! But the BF and I did buy Fallout 4 this week (so expensive!), so I've been enjoying that lately! And playing Hearthstone still.

When I last posted, I was in the midst of struggling to finish up my Jafar costume in time for Edmonton Expo. I did finish it and I loved it. So many people stopped me for photos when I wore it. I did chicken out from doing the costume contest, mainly because I wasn't 100% happy with the way my staff turned out (the snake's eyes are too tiny). But here's a photo from a kind photographer Ion Photos, since the BF still hasn't downloaded the one he took of me, with a pose I like better. But I think my contouring makeup looks pretty good for the first time trying it (beside makeup test the night before). And I had a beard!

2015-09-26 YEG Comic Expo 0084
Credit: Ion Photos

Anyways, not a lot else to report. I'm going to try to post a bit more regularly coming up though!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

WIP Wednesday: Jafar (3)

My fabric finally arrived this week! However, I had company come this week, which ate into my construction time a lot. Like 4 days without sewing. :(

But I have almost completed the main robe. I was hoping to get it done over the weekend, but I didn't quite get that far. I just need to add the belt and then this piece will be done.

I notice it's looking very black right now, but once I add the belt and the sleeves of the undershirt, there should be a lot more contrast.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Sunday Afternoon Tea (2)

Sunday Afternoon Tea is a new feature I'm bringing it where I basically chat with you readers about my week. What I've been up to, what I've been reading, what I've been playing, my favourite things around the internet that week and so in. So here's my first try at it!


COSPLAY CONSTRUCTION (again). Well, it actually had to be paused because I had company Thursday-Saturday, then more Saturday night to this morning. Which means that my sewing room gets converting into a guest bedroom and is unavailable. But pretty much immediately after our guests left this morning, I had it converted back. 

Plus my fabric from Joann's FINALLY arrived. I ordered it on August 20 and it didn't arrive until September 2. Not that I could get it until September 3 because they tried to deliver while I was at work and then would not let me pick it up until the day after. Which was the day my company was arriving, so no sewing room anyway (grumble).


I'm still reading You've Never Weird on the Internet (almost) by Felicia Day. I also got a couple books on millinery from the library.


Heathstone. I just started playing ranked on my warlock. Also, I'm planning to try Might & Magic Heroes Online, since Heroes 3 is my favourite game ever and my cousin (who introduced me to Heroes 3 in the first place when we were kids) recommended this browser-based game. 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

WIP Wednesday: Jafar (2)

So I am STILL waiting for my fabric to arrive that I ordered from Joann's. Well, I think they tried to deliver today while I was at work, so I have to wait until tomorrow to pick it up at the post office (stupid having a job).

I have gotten a fair bit of work done on my staff though. Last night I put on the 1st layer of paper mache. However, I have company coming, which means the sewing room is transformed into a guest room, so no work tonight (cleaning), Thursday or Friday. Hoping to get the sewing room put back together by Saturday and do a lot over the long weekend.

Here's the staff so far. It's a bit hard to tell what;s going on with all the colours from the grocery flyer I used for the paper Mache.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Fall Film Challenge

This fall film challenge was created by Jen from quirky pickings (her post is here). I think I signed up for this challenge last year, then proceeded to watch exactly zero of the films (and basically stopped blogging, but let's not talk about that).

Basically, the challenge starts tomorrow, September 1 and runs until November 30. All films must be previously unseen and have been shown in a theater. If you want to join in, got to this Facebook group!

one. any set in new york city. Wolf of Wallstreet
two. any incorporating hot air balloons in the story. Up
three. any featuring a child as the main character. The Goonies
four. any disney film. Frozen
five. any set in egypt OR that has an egyptian character OR that stars an egyptian actor/actress. Prince of Egypt
six. a close friend or family member's favorite film. Skyfall
seven. any with the word great in the title. The Great Gatsby
eight. any starring harrison ford. Hollywood Homicide
nine. any featuring an idiot as the main character. Our Idiot Brother
ten. any mentioned in levis strauss' list: denim in the oscars: a look at jeans in cinema. Brokeback Mountain
eleven. a film about a knight. Braveheart
twelve. a love story. Pretty Woman
thirteen. a movie about something miraculous. Soul Surfer 
fourteen. any starring an actor/actress with the same first name as yours. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
fifteen. a film about the olympics. Foxcatcher
sixteen. a film on time magazine's list: the top ten newspaper movies. His Girl Friday
seventeen. any with a question in the title. Who's Counting?
eighteen. any with a score of ninety percent or greater on rotten tomatoes. The Avengers
nineteen. a film about a superhero. X-men: Days of Future Past
twenty. any with subtitles. The Lunchbox
twenty-one. any incorporating unicorns in the story. Blade Runner
twenty-two. a film about a personal victory. Pitch Perfect
twenty-three. a film with black or white in the title. Men In Black III
twenty-four. any set in a country you would most like to visit. The Best Offer
twenty-five. a film set in a zoo. Zookeeper

I feel like this list is so much more cultured than I am!

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Sunday Afternoon Tea (1)

Sunday Afternoon Tea is a new feature I'm bringing it where I basically chat with you readers about my week. What I've been up to, what I've been reading, what I've been playing, my favourite things around the internet that week and so in. So here's my first try at it!

What I'm doing?

COSPLAY CONSTRUCTION! I have less than 1 month until my first cosplay competition and I have so much left to do. You can check out my most recent WIP Wednesday here.

Also, I went to Hot Topic for the first time. It just opened in my city a few months ago, but that mall is kind of fall, but I made the trek on Saturday. So much fangirl stuff. I honestly just stared at the t-shirt wall for 10 minutes! Plus they have some coupons/rewards that can result in some decent deals (since I'm not a big fan of paying full price if I can help it). I got a couple geeky t-shirts, but will be going back for some Funko Pops next month using the coupon I got today.

What I'm reading?

I'm currently reading Felicia Day's memoir You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost). Basically I've learned she is amazing and very smart. I'm also trying to finish The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkins, which has taken me ages because I found it really boring up until the final 100 pages or so. I think I have 50 left to go.

What I'm playing?

I tried Hearthstone a few months ago and didn't like it. I found it really hard to get started because everyone has such better cards than me, so was constantly losing, which wasn't fun! Anyway, once I figured out how to play the warlock and got leveled up a bit, I know enjoy it way more and have been playing that a lot lately. I also made a Season 4 Diablo 3 character, but haven't done much leveling there.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

WIP Wednesday: Jafar (1)

As promised, here is my Work In Progress Wednesday for my Jafar costume.

Part one is the derpiest muslin I've ever made (including one made with entirely cow fabric from the clearance section). But if you look past the cute printed flannelette, I'm happy with the general shape and fit (giant shoulder wings make doorways fun). However, I'm now just waiting for my fabric to arrive to me so I can start sewing!

 Part two is the progress on the staff. I apologize for the terrible lighting, but I had a busy night and only managed to snap some pictures now at 9:30 pm. Sorry not sorry. Next up for the staff is some serious sanding, followed by paper mache (I've been collecting grocery flyers, since I don't get a newspaper).

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Exciting Days Ahead

I've always been a competitive person and I like to set goals for myself, then reach them. That's why I've decided to really push myself out of my comfort zone.

I've signed up for my very first cosplay competition! Yep, I registered as a competitor at Edmonton Expo next month, where I will be cosplaying Jafar. I'm still very new to cosplay, but I figured what's the worst that could happen? I'm only entering in novice, but I've seen novice competitors at Calgary Expo that were insanely talented, so who knows.

The other crazy part? I'm not done my costume. Not even close! I have muslin created for the robe, but am waiting for my fabric to arrive. I have a start on the staff, but a long way to go on that. I haven't even started the shoe covers, undershirt and turban. Not to mention researching the best way to give myself a goatee.

But I still have almost exactly one month, so I should be fine.

But this also means I'll be starting up with WIP Wednesdays for the next 5 weeks while I create a competition worthy costume. Wish me luck!

PS: They've announced a couple exciting guests. Stan Lee (who canceled from Calgary Expo this year) and Jenna Coleman from Doctor Who!

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Back from Japan

Hello everyone!

I'm back from Japan safe and sound (despite the typhoon warnings right before we came home). We had a blast but oh my goodness it was hot there. This Canadian girl could not handle the high temperatures mixed with the high humidity.

We saw loads of cool stuff, visiting Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. Highlights for each was visiting Meiji Jingu and Akihabara in Tokyo, feeding Japanese Macaques in Kyoto and the aquarium in Osaka.

I still haven't sorted through all my photos, but here a few teasers!

Meiji Jingu entrance


Feeding monkeys

Goofing around at the Osaka Aquarium

Tuesday, 30 June 2015


 Hey guys,

So it's been a (long) while since my last post. I just haven't had a ton to say. In a bit of a rut I guess.

But I've been up to a few things. I fell into a dark game pit called This War of Mine. I have NEVER been half as invested in a game as I am in that game. When things spiraled out of control and I lost my last survivor on day 42, I was heartbroken. And angry, Either way, I'm trying again, but it's one of the most stressful games I've ever played.

In other exciting news, I'm going to JAPAN!! I am so excited! I'll be leaving July 8 and be coming home July 18. So a fairly short trip, but I'm so excited. I haven't been overseas in 5 years, so this trip should satisfy my wanderlust for a while. Plus my boyfriend is starting school in July for a solid 3 years with no summer break (accelerated program).

Also, starting planning for Edmonton Expo in September. I have tentative accommodations and tons to do on the two cosplays I'd like to make for the con. I want to complete both Jafar and Hannah from Rat Queens. So much to do, since I haven't started either.

Anyway, that's all that's all I have now. I promise to a better blogger in the future!

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Work-In-Progress Wednesday (Real Clothes Edition) - Lady Skater Dress Version 0

No cosplay WIP today. I've decided to take a mini-break from costumes since I don't think I will going to any more cons until September. I really need to get more into amine so I can start going to the plentiful anime conventions in the area. I always feel so old around anime fans, since most of them are in junior/high school at cons.

It's not actually this boxy/frumpy in it's finished state (I hope)

Anyways, back on topic. This week I've started making a muslin of the Lady Skater Dress bodice from Kitschy-Coo. I really like supporting indie designers and I actually got this pattern as part of a past Perfect Pattern Parcel. Right now I'm just putting together a muslin of the bodice to check the fit with some old fabric before I dive into making a cute blue skater dress with my 'good' fabric. Although if this bodice doesn't need too many adjustments, I'm planning to try to add a skirt and make a dress out of it as well. I'm currently in the process of attaching the neckline to the bodice.

Also, every time my boyfriend sees this fabric, he says "turtleneck and chains."

Monday, 4 May 2015

May the Fourth Be With You - Favourite Links

So unfortunately, I didn't have time to put together anything for Star Wars Day. So instead, I'm going to feature some cool Star Wars posts I've found around the interwebs.

Check out Nine Things You May Not Have Known About Star Wars from Paper Droids. You might learn something.
Try some of these very tasty looking cupcakes from Nerdist.
Geek Mom shares 3 activities to hack Star Wars day.
What you thought this meant a break from cats on the internet? Geek and Sundry says think again!
Or go straight to the source on!

If you have a cool Star Wars post and I missed you, please leave your link in the comments.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Liebster Award

Wow! I've been nominated for an award! So exciting. Thanks for much to Gaby from Whimsy and Noir for thinking of me! Here are the rules, which I'm not going to be fully following.

1. Link back to the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 new questions for the nominees
5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs

Because I'm not sure who has done this award/tag before, I nominae anyone reading this who hasn't done it yet. New questions at the end!

1. If you could travel in time, (to either the past or the future), where/when would you go?

If I could travel in time, I would go to every time I could think out. Dinosaurs? Check. Futuristic robot dictatorship? Check. But if I had to pick just one, I would choose my favourite fashion era, the 1880's.

2. If you had a million dollars to spend on whatever you wanted, what would it be?

I would use my million dollars to buy an estate a little way out of the city. I would have a horse barn and riding arena. Honestly, where I live, a million probably won't cover it, but it would at least let me afford to live in a place like that. I'd also love to use some of the money to go backpacking in Europe again for a couple months.

3. Who is your favorite character from a book/movie/comic/tv show/video game and why?

Wow. This is insanely hard. I feel like my favourite changes on a daily (or even hourly) basis. But if I have to pick just one today, I would say Meg Murray from A Wrinkle in Time. I think she was one of the first book characters that I really connected with and fell in love with.

4. Do you speak any other languages?

Nope. I took french in school but have forgotten almost all of it. I wish I was multilingual though!

5. What is your DREAM job?

Costume designer. Getting paid to sew and make stuff sounds so amazing.

6. What is a skill you haven't learned yet, but would love to?

I'm just starting out learning some leatherworking, so that is sometime I'm excited to learn more about.

7. How did you get into blogging?

I just like the idea of being able to connect with people around the world with similar interests to me. I grew up in a small town where I generally kept my geekiness hidden because no one else would understand. I'm much more open about it now, but it's still nice to find others with similar interests and have a place to be open a share ideas. I've actually had a few blogs in the pass. The now defunct Pudding and Pie Fashion was a lot of fun, but I found fashion to get a bit excusing after a while, with a constant need to consume to have current content for a blog. I also had a brief sewing blog, that has mostly moved over only Fangirl Twirl as I started making more costume elements. Finally, I also run a book blog called Megan Likes Books.

8. Last song you listened to?

White Horse by Taylor Swift

9. Last movie you watched?

I haven't been watching many movies lately, so I think it actually was Safety Not Guaranteed. I mainly watching TV, so if we include tv shows, it would be Daredevil.

10. Where would you travel to for an extended stay, if you could? (it can be a fictional place!)

Since I get to choose a fictional place, I would choose Diagon Alley. Then I get the awesomeness of the wizarding world (because I'm a bit old for Hogwarts), but I also get to hang out in Muggle London as well.

11. If you were a super hero, what would your special power and your name be?

If I were a superhero, my special power would be finding lost things, especially people's lost pets. My name would simply be "The Finder."

Here's the questions I'm posing for anyone who would like to play along:

1. What was the best vacation you have taken?
2. What is your favourite book series?
3. What is your favourite stand-alone book?
4. What is your favourite TV series?
5. Which fictional character would be your BFF?
6.  What is your favourite snack?
7. What is your favourite game?
8. Who is your favourite artist?
9. What's the story behind your blog name?
10. What's your favourite animal?
11. If you could change one thing in the world permanently, what would it be?

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Cosplay Planning (Again)

It's that time again. Planning time! I love planning new cosplays. As you might have figured from my previous post, Calgary Expo is done for another year (controversy and all). Which unfortunately for me means no more big expos for a few months, until September which brings Saskatoon Expo (maybe for me) and Edmonton Expo. There's a couple local anime conventions (I don't watch much anime and feel ancient at those things) and a local horror con (maybe), but nothing major for the whole summer!

So my Poison Ivy costume didn't make it to Calgary Expo, but there's actually not too much to do to fix it. I just need to buy a new bra and rip out the elastic on the neckline and resew it in with a bit more stretch to solve the gaping issues I was having. Really, I could do it in an afternoon if I got to work.
Which means it's time to plan some new costumes! I think the costume I want to do the most is to crossplay Jafar from Disney's Aladdin. It will mark my first time crossplaying, but Jafar is one of my favourite villains from one of my favourite movies, so I'm pretty excited to try to pull this off. I get to get a little crazy with his exaggerated shoulders, Probably the toughest thing will be making his snake staff, then getting his goatee right. And finding an Iago plush on ebay that isn't either super ugly or super expensive.
The next costume I want to do is from a comic that I've been really enjoying: Rat Queens! I really like this series so far and have my pre-order in for the second trade. I'm planning to put together a Hannah costume. It should go together without too much difficulty (famous last words), consisting of a skirt, top, jacket and boots, plus styled wig and elf ears. Probably a less recognizable character, but that's ok. We'll see how many Rat Queens fans I can find.

The last thing I am considering is if I want to try to go to Calgary Horror Con and make a costume for the contest. I've been trying to think of a horror costume I'd want to do. The other day I had the idea of doing the Woman in Black. Mostly because I think that most of the historical pieces I would make could be used later for general historical costuming, which I'm also interested in. But that con is in mid June, with gives me just over a month and a half to put together a full Victorian gown and I'm not sure I can do that, since spring/summer are so much busier for me. I'm still looking for more good quality stills of the costume.

I'd love to hear any thoughts or comments or ideas!

Friday, 24 April 2015

5 Fandom Friday: Games I Love to Play

5 Fandom Friday is a weekly post hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick. This week's topic is games I love to play.

1. Skyrim - This is my all time favourite video game. I love the world of Elder Scrolls and I love the gameplay and the sandboxiness of being able to run around and do whatever you want rather than follow a strict progression.

2. Ticket to Ride - Probably my favourite board game. I like that it involves thinking ahead and problem solving, but also gives you the ability to screw over your friends at the same time. Plus I'm fairly good at this game and so always have a chance at actually winning.

3. Balderdash - For when you just want to have some fun and some laughs. I like this game because it always makes me laugh and also is very inclusive, since you don't need to be a serious board gamer to play and enjoy it.
4. Lords of Waterdeep - This game is based on Dungeons and Dragons and it basically involves becoming the most powerful person in the city of Waterdeep. It has quite a few rules and mechanics, but once you figure those out, it is a lot of fun!

5. This War of Mine - This the newest game I've been playing and it is great. For anyone who doesn't know it, you play as civilians in a war and you have to upgrade the abandoned house you live in by day and scavenge for supplies by night. It reminds me of a very dark version of The Sims. But I also love the social message behind this game. It's a very different look at war than any other game I've played. Most war games let you play as a soldier and it also sort of glamorizes combat and death. In This War of Mine, when one of my characters died the other day. I honestly felt sick to my stomach. Very different sort of view of war.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Calgary Expo 2015 Recap

The awesome statue at the WEGA booth
Another year of Calgary Expo has come and gone and, as always, I had a blast! This year was the 10th anniversary and had record-breaking attendance of 102,000 people, likely due to the addition of a Thursday night show. While two of their biggest guests had to cancel (Norman Reedus and Stan Lee), there were still tons of awesome media guests including: Neil Patrick Harris, Rosario Dawson, Jason Mamoa, Jewel Staite, Stephen Amell, Hayley Atwell, Gwendoline Christie and more! So there was tons to see, especially if your a fan of comic book tv shows, with Arrow (Stephen Amell, David Ramsey), The Flash (Robbie Amell), Agent Carter (Hayley Atwell) and Agents of Shield (Ming-Na Wen and Brett Dalton) all represented. I was most excited to see Jewel Staite (Kaylee from Firefly) and Gwendoline Christie (Brienne from Game of Thrones). I got a photo with Jewel (which I will share as soon as I get it scanned) and watched Gwendoline's panel, which was awesome, since she is lovely and super funny as well!

Belle and Ariel hanging out
As far as costumes, I wore my Belle costume for this first time on Saturday and it was great. I only ended up taking one photo with an Ariel I found who was adorable. I liked this costume because it's recognizable (mostly except for the boys my friend overheard who decided I was Alice in Wonderland). On Sunday I was planning to debut my Poison Ivy costume, but ended up having costume issues that I thought I could solve with double-sided tape, but ended up deciding it needed more work before I was ready to wear it around a con. So on Sunday I actually ended up just going in regular clothes.

I got to meet up with a couple of my friends from another city who I don't see very often, so that was really nice. However, hanging out with them made me realized that different people attend cons in different ways. The specific example is that I love going to panels and listening to my favourite guest talk about their work and walking around shopping and checking out the amazing cosplays and I also limit myself one  photo (they are so expensive!). My friends love getting photos and autographs and spend a lot of time in line for those and don't go to any panels. Neither way is right or wrong, I was just struck by the difference. My boyfriend also came for the afternoon of Saturday and wandered the floor with me before going to watch the costume contest, which was awesome, as usual and was judged by some big name cosplayers: Yaya Han, Jessica Nigri, Ivy Doomkitty and Okageo.
Watching Vikings battle each other

As usual, I ended up going some shopping and bough some awesome stuff that I will showcase in a later post. But the number of vendors at Calgary Expo is just insane. This year, I realized there was a whole 'nother area of vendors I didn't even know existed in the upper level of the Big 4 building. There I saw Yaya Han, which was pretty cool. She seemed pretty nice, taking selfies with people at her booth, but I was nervous to talk to her and felt bad because I wasn't in a costume on Sunday so I didn't ask for one.

I also went to some interesting cosplay panels on Sunday about prop and armour making, featuring some pretty amazing cosplayers like Okageo. I actually took notes and learned a lot about different types of materials like EVA foam, L200 and Worbla and about the importance of a really good paint job!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Work-In-Progress Wednesday: Provincial Belle

Today is Wednesday. I'm planning to wear this costume on Saturday at Calgary Expo (so excited). This is definitely a bit more last minute than I like to work, because, as you can see, it's still needs sleeves. They are cut out and the cuffs are interfaced and all that remains is to sew them together and onto the shirt. I plan to dedicate tonight to sewing, so fingers crossed I can finish this up tonight. Then just last minute tests and touches for my 2 Expo costumes, then EXPO TIME! Can you tell I'm excited?!?!

Friday, 10 April 2015

5 Fandom Friday: 5 Magical Items I Would Love to Own

5 Fandom Friday is a weekly post hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick. This week's topic is 5 magical Items I would love to own. Umm, can I have all of them?

1. Magic Wand - This one is pretty obvious. I need it to cast my spells and charms.
2. Bag of Holding - I'm a bit of a packrat, so having a bag I can fit everything I will ever need into sounds awesome.
3. Time-turner - Sometimes you just need more hours in a day.

4. Crup -  If I'm living in a magic world. I need a magic pet to keep me company.
5. TARDIS - I want to go everywhere and see everything and what better way than in the TARDIS. And I'm not complaining if the Doctor comes with it! ;)

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

I'm back and starting to stress

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the mini break! I need some time away from the computer etc.

Anyway, I'm back and Calgary Expo is only a week and half away! I still have so much to do! Here's where I'm at:

Poison Ivy:

  • Style wig
  • Choose and possible alter shoes
  • Test makeup and body art
  • Make Shirt - This is the part that stressing me out, since I haven't even really started it yet. Just planned the patterns I will use.
Because both are new costumes, I'll also need to do a test run to make sure everything looks ok.

I also need to decide which to wear Saturday and which to wear Sunday. I'm planning to do a photo op with Jewel Staite (Kaylee from Firefly) and she's not there Sunday, so Saturday it will have to be so I'm trying to decide which costume will be easier to tone down for the photo. I'm also crossing my fingers that I can be near the front of the line so I can still make it to the costume contest afterwards. I'm leaning towards Belle, since there's no wig involved, so if I take off the hair bow and throw on a t-shirt, it should work. However, that also means I'll be doing Poison Ivy, which is definitely a bit more revealing, on Sunday without my boyfriend. It should be fine, since I'm planning to meet up with some friends hopefully. Plus it will just push me to be more confident.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Movie Review: Safety Not Guaranteed

Recently I watched Safety Not Guaranteed (2012), directed by Colin Trevorrow, written by Derek
Connolly and starring Aubrey Plaza, Mark Duplass and Jake Johnson. Here's the descriptor from imbd:

"Three magazine employees head out on an assignment to interview a guy who placed a classified ad seeking a companion for time travel."

One of the main things that drew me to pick this film off of Netflix was Aubrey Plaza, since I enjoy her as April on Parks and Recreation. However, I think she has been a bit type-cast, as her character in Safety Not Guaranteed is pretty similar.

The other thing that drew me in was the idea of time travel. I love the idea of time travel and seeing history first-hand. Unfortunately, while trying not to give too much away, we never see my favourite eras, as the time machine is only set for 2001.

In fact, this story is way more about the characters than time travel anyway. We have Darius (Aubrey Plaza), surly and antisocial after the death of her mother and working as a magazine intern. Then there's Darius's fellow intern Arnau (Karan Soni), an awkward nerd who falls into a bit of a stereotype. Next is Jeff (Jake Johnson), Darius's boss and general jerk who only took the assignment for the chance to hook up with his high-school summer girlfriend Liz. And finally we have Kenneth (Mark Duplass), the placer of the time travel ad. He is very awkward and odd and I spent the entire film trying to decide if he was crazy.

The basic storyline is nothing too groundbreaking: Darius is sent in to answer the ad for their article, but she and Kenneth develop a real connection. As I mentioned, I spent the movie trying to decide if Kenneth was for real or was crazy, and Darius was in the same situation.

There's a secondary storyline about Jeff looking up his old girlfriend which ends with one character being painfully realistic. This starts another subplot of Jeff trying to get Arnau to live life to the fullest while he has his youth. While that is a nice sentiment, he goes about it in a completely creepy way involving  drunk high school kids.

While the movie was a bit predictable, it was also a bit heart-warming and thought-provoking at the same time and I did enjoy it, despite the lack of Victorian dresses and dinosaurs.

Friday, 6 March 2015

5 Fandom Friday: Favourite Snacks/Drinks to Consume While Blogging

5 Fandom Friday is a weekly post hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick. This week's topic is  Favourite Snacks/Drinks to Consume While Blogging and I definitely failed. I try not to snack too much and here are the 2 things I eat/drink while blogging.
Breakfast Cereal
1. Cereal - I do a lot of blogging in the morning before work, while I'm eating my breakfast. Which is usually cereal (mini wheats are my favourite).
2. Tea - This girl loves her tea. Usually Earl Grey or mint.

And that's it! I guess it's a 2 Fandom Friday for this girl.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

WIP Wednesday: Poison Ivy #4

I bet you guys are getting a bit sick of seeing this same green costume. I know I am itching to start posting about something else. But my  sewing time was super limited in the last week, so I am still plugging away at it. The good news is I'm probably half an hour away from being done the bottom. leaving just the bust gathers, boob cups and straps (I think). I am really hoping nothing comes up this weekend and I'm able to take a sewing day to finish this up,



Tuesday, 3 March 2015

New Headphones!! Thermaltake Cronos Combat

So on Valentine's Day, I decided to buy myself a present. I mean, why not? Besides, it's something I (kind of) need. Because you totally need to be able to express yourself while playing CS:GO and I definitely can't type and play.

So I did a bit of research and ended up buying the Thermaltake Cronos Combat at Memory Express for $59.99, which was the tippy-top of my budget of $60. So let's break it down.

Looks: I think these are pretty. I like the white style quite a bit. Plus they light up. I actually still haven't decided if this is a little bit lame or totally awesome. Let's go with totally awesome, yeah?

Sound/Mic Quality: I have no complaints about the sound. I'm not a hard-core enough gamer to really need surround sound or anything like that. I obviously can't hear myself over the mic, but my boyfriend said it sounds fine.

Comfort: This is the tricky part, since there are no testers for you to check the fit before you buy, so I pretty much just crossed my fingers. The fit over the ear is not bad, although after a couple hours, my ears start to bother me. For an all-day gamer, these might not be the best, for for someone casual like me, they are fine. I do like the padding on the crown piece.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with my purchase. They look good and serve the purpose I bought them for. The only thing left is to see how long they last.

Lights are off in this one, but you get the idea.