Sunday, 6 September 2015

Sunday Afternoon Tea (2)

Sunday Afternoon Tea is a new feature I'm bringing it where I basically chat with you readers about my week. What I've been up to, what I've been reading, what I've been playing, my favourite things around the internet that week and so in. So here's my first try at it!


COSPLAY CONSTRUCTION (again). Well, it actually had to be paused because I had company Thursday-Saturday, then more Saturday night to this morning. Which means that my sewing room gets converting into a guest bedroom and is unavailable. But pretty much immediately after our guests left this morning, I had it converted back. 

Plus my fabric from Joann's FINALLY arrived. I ordered it on August 20 and it didn't arrive until September 2. Not that I could get it until September 3 because they tried to deliver while I was at work and then would not let me pick it up until the day after. Which was the day my company was arriving, so no sewing room anyway (grumble).


I'm still reading You've Never Weird on the Internet (almost) by Felicia Day. I also got a couple books on millinery from the library.


Heathstone. I just started playing ranked on my warlock. Also, I'm planning to try Might & Magic Heroes Online, since Heroes 3 is my favourite game ever and my cousin (who introduced me to Heroes 3 in the first place when we were kids) recommended this browser-based game. 

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