Friday, 27 February 2015

5 Fandom Friday - Characters I would name my kids after

5 Fandom Friday is a weekly post hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick. This week's topic is "Characters I would name my kids after." Obviously this is something the needs to be discussed with the baby daddy, but if it were up to me...

1. Kaylee after Kaylee Frye of Firefly - Kaylee is such a sweetheart and from one of my all time favourite shows. Probably not going to go all the way with Kaywinnet though.

2. Dean after Dean Winchester of Supernatural - Seriously, it's Dean!

3. Janessa after Janessa of Skyrim - Yes I'm naming my kid after a completely optional video game character. Janessa is my all time favourite Skyrim follower and we've been through so much together that I would actually be pretty cool naming my child after her.

4. Fred or George after Fred and George Weasley of Harry Potter - I love Fred and George so much. But I can't pick just one. I guess if I were to have twins!

5. River after River Song of Doctor Who AND River Tam of Firefly - Totally doubling up on this one and hitting two of my favourite shows in one go. Although I double my boyfriend would go along with this one. Maybe if we get a puppy?

1 comment:

  1. Dean has popped up a few times this week! I like the name River too!
