Monday, 9 February 2015

Being an Office Geek

Sometimes it's tough to have a corporate job and the rules that go with it. My office has a rather strict dress code (seriously, no bare shoulders), so all my geeky tshirts sit folded in a drawer, just waiting for the weekend. But do not despair. There are still ways to infuse your workspace with hints of your favourite fandoms. Here are mine:

1. Lunch Bag

I almost always pack a lunch for work in an effort to try to save money and eat healthy(er). I've been at my current job 8 weeks and have bought lunch 3 times. I'm still on the lookout for a cool lunch bag, but for now I have a little TMNT pouch for my lunch money in case I decide to get something from the vending machine. Also, a huge thanks to Joie Fatale for gifting me this when I won her giveaway!

2. Geeky Mug

I drink a large amount of tea everyday at work. My work provides paper cups, but those are wasteful and not so great for the environment, so I brought along my Rainbow Dash mug from home!

3. Geeky Jewelry

This is one of my favourites, since it's a bit more subtle. Probably no one will notice and if they do, only another fan would recognize the significance. But you know and that's what's important.

4. Figurines

This one I don't actually have, since all my figurines currently live on top of my bookshelf. But others in my office do. My coworker has tons of multi-coloured ponies lined up beneath her monitors. I'm not sure what they are from, but they are adorable. Even one of my supervisors has Adventure Time figures on his desk!

How you personalized your workspace or daily outfits with any special items?


  1. My desk is filled with toys/figures! Plus pins and artwork that I have stuck to my cube!

  2. I think that is my favorite thing about currently being a stay-at-home mum....I can wear tees and jeans all the time! When I go back to work, my bank account is going to take a serious hit for some job clothes shopping!
