5 Fandom Friday is an awesome weekly post created by The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick where blogger share a 5 item list each week so we can get to know each other better.
I know I'm a bit late to the party with 5 Fandom Friday, but better late than never right? For me, this one could have easily been a 100 Fandom Friday. Just sayin', I love to buy books. But here's my highlights.
5 Fandom Friday - Things I've Bought But Haven't Read/Watched/Played Yet by fangirltwirl on Polyvore
1.Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Steivater - I love this series (The Raven Boys) so much, but just haven't found the time to read the latest book. I can't wait though!
2. Shades of Earth by Beth Revis - Same situation as #1. I loved book 1, enjoyed book 2 and just need to make time to read book 3.
3. Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin - Yep, still haven't read the books.
4. Dishonored - I bought this one on Steam during a sale, but haven't had a chance to try it yet.
5. Diplomacy - I bought this board game at 50% at Chapters, but haven't wrangled anyone into playing it yet.
IF you also do 5 Fandom Friday, I'd love to check you out. Leave a comment or link below!
I definitely want to play Dishonored at some point - looked great! Diplomacy looks like a game I'd enjoy with my game night buds as well, I'll definitely check it out!